Bridge Bless Back Project

This holiday season we are trying to be be creative in the ways we attempt to bless our community. We are spreading our giving across three fronts:

1. Each household will be given a determined amount of $ to use to bless someone in their life or neighborhood. The only pre-requisite for participation is telling the story of how you used the funds.

2. Friends of The Bridge: Planting churches, and pastoring churches is hard life work. In an attempt to bless those in our circle who are fighting the good fight we are sending a few chosen pastors and their wives on a nice evening on us.   

3. We are throwing our hat into the micro-finance arena. Having done some research on interest free micro-lending, and observed/conversed regarding some of the work done by a church we admire, we are going to join in what we believe is an effective way to give a fishing pole instead of a fish.

I am excited about what God can do through this opportunity. We are hoping this mustard seed will sprout into a beautiful tree pointing to the grace of our God.

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